The 100 places of industry 4.0 is a replicable model that was born recently in Veneto.
The project aims to create living laboratories in the territories, places where 4.0 applications can be touched
Often these are applications on processes that, of a transversal nature, can be changed by different sectors with a significant multiplicative effect.
Confindustria Veneto has begun to imagine the project by promoting positive emulation and network processes. The idea came from a similar project activated by Ben Wuttenberg entitled “100 Orte fur industrie 4.0 in Baden Wruttenberg”
The rules of engagement for the 100 places of industry 4.0 foresee the joint presence of advanced and visible solutions in the company with a business ecosystem aimed at innovation. Request the availability to host some initiatives aimed at stakeholders and companies in the company.
To select the access criteria and the admission to the project, Confindustria turned to the Univeneto Foundation which includes the Universities of the regional territory, identifying a Technical Scientific Committee in charge of defining both technological and scientific admission criteria for companies and evaluating subsequently the applications received.
In this way, an immense living lab is born. And it comes from the bottom, composed of SMEs.
Above all, this design model is replicable.
This is what Vincenzo Boccia, head of the national coordination of the Digital Innovation Hub, has hoped to collect Confindustria’s proposal: to take the project The 100 Places of Industry 4.0 into another region.
It is a matter of making a common front in order to bring a virtuous example born in Veneto to be the generator of places of excellence throughout the national territory.
In a generous press release from Confindustria Veneto, it is underlined that “The“ 4.0 ”is not only made of changes of machinery and software, but of processes: data analysis, training, cloud, cybersecurity, sensors and at least twenty other chapters that give the new value added to the product, in the product / service logic. “On the site (accessible at the link above) are also available all the updates regarding the project The 100 sites of Industry 4.0