Industry 4.0 Plan


What changes for Italian SMEs regarding the Budget Law regarding the Industry 4.0 Plan?

The previous super amortization and hyper amortization become a Tax Credit.

In the Industry 4.0 Plan, medium and large enterprises were rewarded more than SMEs and after a record 2017 in terms of orders, a strong contraction followed in 2018 and 2019.

To tackle this problem, attempts are made to reverse the trend. Small and medium-sized enterprises will therefore be able to receive various incentives in view of an update to new technologies.

The previous super amortization and hyper amortization become a Tax Credit and are part of what has been defined by the Ministry of Economic Development as “Transition 4.0 plan”.

Industry 4.0 Plan: Iperammortamento

Investment in tangible goods for industry 4.0 up to 2.5 million Euros with a tax credit rate of 40% and an annual tax benefit of 8% over 5 years.

For the same type of investment but over 2.5 million and up to 10 million the rate drops to 20% and the benefit varies from 8 to 5% over 5 years.

For intangible assets, a single rate of 15% and a 5% benefit over 3 years.

Industry 4.0 Plan: Superammortamento

Investment in tangible assets in industry 4.0 up to 2 million, the tax credit rate is set at 6% with a tax benefit of 1.2% over 5 years and for intangible assets Industry 4.0 up to € 700 thousand, 15% rate with benefit 5% tax over 3 years.

Industry 4.0 Plan: Tax credit on Research and Development, innovation and design

Investment in Research and Development of up to 3 million Euros with a 12% tax credit rate and compensation in 3 years

Investment in green projects and digital transformation 4.0 up to 1.5 million Euros with a rate equal to 10% and compensation in 3 years

Investment in innovation and design up to 1.5 million euros with a rate equal to 6% and compensation in 3 years.

Industry 4.0 Plan: Tax credit for Training 4.0

The measure launched in 2018 is extended for 2020, access to the measure is simplified and ITS are included among the subjects authorized to provide training.

In addition to these measures, the MISE 2020 Innovative Machinery call has been published dedicated to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the regions of Puglia, Calabria, Campania, Sicily and Basilicata.

In addition to SMEs, freelancers enrolled in professional associations or members of professional associations identified in the list kept by MISE can also access the facilities.



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