Sustainability: Lifegate Observatory


Sustainability is the way out in the medium and long term not only for the crisis caused by COVID-19 but also for the respect we owe to the environment.

This theme was illustrated in detail and with concrete examples in a study that concerns in particular the city of Rome, symbol of both Italy and the virtuous way of restarting.

Rome declares itself ready for the restart and wants to do it in the name of sustainability.

Certainly the period of health and economic crisis that we are experiencing has a lot on the tissues of the cities and the capital is one of the crucial places.

The direction to take is clear: towards sustainability.

The data of the first Rome Observatory and the Sustainability conducted by Lifegate have come out and instill hope for the future.

The breaking line drawn by the crisis is independent of how health aspects will evolve. Undoubtedly we traced a “before” and an “after” and we were forced to review many of our parameters, our priorities and our habits.

It was a line that does not allow us to go back, to think that everything will be as before.

The network of auditors who are part of the C40 organization expressed itself as follows:

“In many ways it is also an urban phenomenon, which has its roots in the destruction of the environment and in the relationship between humanity and nature”.

Cities must assume this awareness and manage it also in terms of their weight on the balance of the planet. The United Nations projections present a 2050 in which 2.5 billion more people will live in cities than today.

Cities generate 80% of the gross domestic product but also 70% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Faced with this awareness, it is clear that a green course that involves us all must be put in place and a city like Rome, the subject of the investigation that can be read in detail on the Lifegate website, shows that it has a unique strength.

If we talk about recovery after a crisis, it is inevitable to think that we have to build something new, whether buildings, factories or infrastructures. Rome already has this heritage available and is made up of history, competence, culture and a citizenship that believes in sustainability.


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