Management underrated skill: language


Management is underrating a crucial skill: language mastering.

A manager must know how to speak his or her language well, we have understood it by closely observing the definition that is generally given of the acronym STEM and we have identified that one of the most important properties is the mastery of the language.

The manager must know how to speak well in Italian, which is why it is important in a management environment.

Knowing how to speak well in Italian allows you to adapt any concept to the context, to the recipient and to the medium. Be it an email, a presentation, a post on Facebook. You will be able to make yourself understood, get to the heart of what interests you and be understood. Your interlocutors today – whether you like it or not – are assailed by an impressive amount of information and their attention is very short.

How many times have you not read an email because it is too long, you realize that you have not been understood because you have expressed a concept in a redundant way and the brain of your interlocutor has disconnected because it has perceived only the complexity?

STEM does not even take into account another aspect related to the language in management: the fact of allowing the manager to have a very powerful tool for creative elaboration and critical revision of what is proposed to him. Think when at school they forced you to repeat the lesson in your own words and how you appropriated that concept and established associations and connections in your brain. Here, critical and creative thinking are formed according to these canons. Just as the manager reads, elaborates and reconstructs the draft of a contract proposal. Its syntactic mastery if it is strong proves to be able to decompose and recompose the texts and with these the concepts. An advantage not just to have clear ideas and to aim directly “at the point” of the question.

Another thing that STEM does not take into account is to find the right words to connect emotionally with those around you. The way of expressing empathy allows the manager to get in touch at a deeper level with his team, allows him to know how to motivate his colleagues when they are in difficulty, to know how to manage annoyed customers, to use the “no” in the right way in incisive and respectful way, to comment on an error without judging.

In the end, the manager’s way of telling is very heavy on the perception of his charisma. Today the manager cannot limit himself to organizing something, but he must necessarily tell something. If the concepts of storytelling and storytelling are well established in the marketing world, the art of storytelling is also important in mangement.



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