Klimahouse 2021 was all digital


Klimahouse is the fair that represents building respectful of our planet and future generations.

This year the event that usually takes place at the Bolzano Fair has seen its all-digital declination.

There was talk of sustainable construction, air quality in buildings and Superbonus 110% in addition to the presentation of a digital catalog dedicated to innovative products and the Klimahouse Prize for the best products.

The topics covered can also be enjoyed on demand by paying a fee of € 15 by accessing this link which gives access to the 57 hours of streaming with 150 speakers.

During Kilimahouse the prizes were awarded for four categories: excellence in terms of technological-constructive progress, market satisfaction, implementation of circularity logic and the best startup in the sector.

In this edition the following were awarded:

Innovation Category: FBP with the Fybra product

Performance Category: EXRG with Compact P product

Circle category: Holzius solid wood elements

Startup Category: Isaac with the I-PRO 1 product

Klimahouse awarded Fybra which was born from a startup in Milan and is a sensor that monitors the air in schools and offices.

It uses Artificial Intelligence and, through a web platform, allows you to check the measurements and take the necessary measures to favor the change of air in the rooms, prompting the opening of the windows at the appropriate time.

In the Performance category, the Compact P ventilation system with active and passive ultra-high efficiency heat recovery was awarded. Basically, Compact P is an all in one for air conditioning and domestic hot water production.

Klimahouse also rewards Holzius which produces solid wood elements suitable for wall insulation. They are installed without the use of glue or metal thanks to a patented connection system.

Finally, for the startup category, Klimahouse awards I-PRO 1, a seismic protection system for buildings. The product is the result of the work of Isaac, an Italian startup based in Milan born in 2018 which proposes itself as a reference player in the construction market for the supply of smart technologies applied to seismic protection and to the monitoring of buildings and infrastructures.

There was a lot of future in this “all digital” edition of Klimahouse and it is a beautiful photograph of the construction industry tomorrow.


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